
piano lesson: "Amazing Grace" - simple version 1.0 (video ID: pm-AGsim-1.0)

piano lesson: C major scale in groups of five notes going up and down (video ID: ps-C-5ng-1)


 from lesson on Thursday, May 13, 2021

  • Heart, soul and expression, ears that listen, and a heart full of trust are some of the most important things in playing music. There is also the more abstract technical side of playing an instrument, both mentally and physically. The video below is an example of technical practice. You know, “technique”! Practice playing the notes one after the other in a steady succession, completely disregarding the rhythm of the actual song. lt may not sound as musical, but it will help your fingers and mind understand the notes on a different level.

*TIP: you can slow down or speed up the video playback by clicking on the gear icon

 from lesson on Thursday, May 27, 2021

  • chord progression: F Bb F C F ( I IV I V I )

above: F major chord ( I )

above: F major chord ( I )

above: Bb ( IV )

above: Bb ( IV )

above: C major ( V )

above: C major ( V )